Have a Holly Holiday!
Winter 2024
I’d like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas. This artwork is made using cut out holly leaves from hand painted paper. Then I have added detail with a white Posca paint marker.

Happy Easter!
Spring 2024
I hope everyone is enjoying the longer days and blooming bulbs and blossom. Here is a drawing of decorative eggs which I have made into a repeat pattern. I think the background colours make the design pop!

Merry Christmas drawings with marker pens
Winter 2023
I drew these star shapes with permanent marker pens, which I love using because of their strong vibrant colours. I then scanned the drawings onto my computer and then created a more finnished artwork using digital techniques.

Seahorse Study
Spring 2023
This is a lino print and collage study for the letter S in my alphabet project.

Ivy Drawings
Summer 2022
For my alphabet project, I have been working on the letter “I” for a little while. There are some Ivy bushes growing in my garden and in the hedges near by. For this drawing I used marker pens and a Posca white pen to create the veins in the leaves. I have scanned this drawing onto my computer and then repeated the design to create a more finnished artwork with a contrasting black background.

Ladybird drawings and pattern study
Autumn 2021
I have made a number of ladybird drawings with marker pens and then scanned the image onto my computer. I took one drawing and repeated it on a green background, then changed the colour of the ladybird from red to orange, yellow and magenta.

Fun Flowers Postcard
Autumn 2020
Here are 3 versions of Fun Flowers, the original postcard I have donated to this years anual Pakefield Postcard Auction. This year the event is an online auction which starts at 7pm on the 23rd September. Money raised on the night will be donated to Suffolk Artlink. The image on the right is the first version which I created back in April. I made the postcard by using a collage technique with my digital prints. I’ve then added marker pens to give extra detail.

Midnight Moths study
Summer 2020
I have been working on the letter ‘M” for my alphabet project and as we are coming up to the summer solstice where the nights are at their shortest I have created this study of moths. I have made this study by using my own lino prints of moths. I have created a repeat pattern and also a mixed media collage. Using Photoshop I have experimented with colour variations in navy, cobalt and cyan.

H for Harlequin repeat pattern
February 2020
Continuing with my A-Z, this is the first time I have used the human figure in this project. I like the pattern making potential with harlequins and have enjoyed adding colourful geometric designs to these posing chaps!!

eXciting Xmas repeat pattern
December 2019
Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and all the best for 2020! These are two colour variations for the Christmas card I have had printed this year called ‘December Decorations’. I like the frosty coldness of the blue shades with the icey white.